
What happens when the power is out?

When considering power needs in an emergency you must assess having the comfort of working lights, air condition or heating, functioning fridges and freezers and being able to use your stove. Disaster is indiscriminate when it hits, but you can choose how to re-set your climate and sustain the things you need when you have an emergency plan for power.

Your checklist for power includes asking:

  • What do we do for lights, short term and long term?
  • What kind of heat do we need? –to warm our bodies? To cook food? To keep pipes from freezing?
  • What do we need to keep cold? What would be the results if we didn’t?
  • What’s essential to keep power to? A microwave? A radio or cell phone? A fridge to keep insulin cold?
  • What will we need hot water for? Showers? Cooking? Sterilizing things?
  • What do we need in a generator?

Your plan, as you’ve learned, depends on how many people you’re looking after and how long you expect conditions to deteriorate. We applaud the very forward-looking who plan to use solar or wind energy to help supply their power needs.

Explore the options but don’t just stop that.  Choose one or two quick picks that you can get started with.  Insight today absolutely will pay off in the future.